I’ve saved this post for over a year, because it was too painful to post at the time. This is a list I made of ironies when I found out we were moving to D.C.
-The school we moved my son to a whole year early, so our next baby could attend school with him near the office.
-The cherry tree paintings that I recently wouldn’t consider for our wall because they felt inappropriate for Southern CA.
-The part time work I recently took on, because I couldn’t wait to get back to work.
-The fact that we never really got to know the neighbors.
-The snow tires Stephen has always insisted on.
-The career advice I’d been giving, like I knew anything about anything.
-The backyard I decided I wanted.
-The room I reshuffled and redesigned for two that my daughter had never spent the night in.
-The office search that settled in the exact neighborhood we’d decided we wanted to buy a place in.
-That nice couple down the street with twins who bought us dinner.
-The first boss I ever had who I actually saw as a mentor.
-My parents trading out their one bedroom condo in downtown for a three bedroom.
-The election that turned out so differently than we all expected.
-The long coat that Steve wanted to buy last month that he didn’t have use for.
-My son’s confusion about why it wasn’t snowing in LA at Christmas time.
-My son’s obsession with going on an airplane again.
-My hesitancy to commit to a family vacation in Hawaii.
-The Berenstein Bears, and Moving Day, which we read last night.
-The fact that I said I never wanted to live in LA growing up, and applied (unsuccessfully) to twice as many east coast colleges as west coast colleges.
-My son’s recently developed fear of the ocean.
-The cost of living here that we’ve been complaining about.
-That time when, a couple of years out of school, I got an interview in Virginia and cancelled it because Steve said there were no real estate jobs in the D.C. Metro.