My Manager Read-me
My Leadership Philosophy
I believe that we are stronger as a team than individuals. I want to help others tap into their strengths and feel empowered to create. I believe that there is no perfect way of doing things and that the best ideas come when you have a lot of really bad ideas first.
I’m inspired when I’m around people who give 110%. And people who care enough to challenge me whenever I’m doing anything status quo.
I promise to bring passion, straightforwardness and kindness to work. I want to get to know you as a human, not a work robot. I hope to provide a safe space where you can develop muscles to climb wherever you want to next on this crazy jungle gym of life.
My answers to first 1:1 questions
What makes you grumpy?
- When I feel like my work isn’t creating a meaningful impact or isn’t challenging. When I feel like the people around me are apathetic or looking for the easy way out. I become discouraged when I feel like there’s box checking going on, or whenever anyone implies, “That’s just the way it is.”
How will I know when you’re grumpy?
- I have a horrible poker face. You will know. You may also see me struggling not to ask too many leading questions.
How can I help you when you’re grumpy?
- Show enthusiasm. About anything, maybe ice cream. I live for passion. Offer to brainstorm with me or take me through your process. My mind is pretty flexible, but sometimes I need to be taken on the journey.
How do you like feedback — slack, email, in person, etc?
- E-mail or in person. I see slack as a better place for tactical conversation. I know I can only grow if I know where I’m weak, so I appreciate transparency. Please know that my intent is good. I play feedback over in my head, so please be careful with your word choices. I promise to take your feedback to heart and want to act on it, so please provide feedback that is actionable when you can.
How do you like feedback — routine like in 1:1s, or as-it-happens?
- As-it-happens. Then, let’s have a follow-up to make sure I understand what you want from me.
How do you prefer to receive recognition? (public or private)
- Public
What makes 1:1s the most valuable for you?
- When we’re focused on the topics with the most potential to drive the business forward, and I understand how my role can help. Also, when I understand the milestones ahead. I am a natural organizer.
What do you need from your manager?
- Autonomy and direct accountability for meaningful challenges that require creative thinking and agility from my nimble team. I like to be close to the fire.
From your team?
- I want my team to have pride in the work they’re doing and to support each other throughout the creative process. I’m excited to nurture a team with lots of diverse personalities and some amazing chemistry. I believe it’ll take daily engagement and commitment from all of us to get to a state of “flow.”
From your peers? (outside the team)
- I want to understand how my team can help you accomplish your goals. I also want to learn from you. The way you think about the world, the leadership skills you’re working on, helpful habits you’ve picked up to optimize life. And what’s hard for you. I can complement you better when I understand where I’m needed.
What’s your favorite baked good?
Anything with caramel or butterscotch
My expectations of people who report to me
Never hesitate to pick up the phone and give me a call. Sometimes e-mail and slack can feel super impersonal. I care! Let’s hash it out.
Bonus points for bringing solutions and using inclusive language. We are all in this together.
Please come to your 1:1’s with some clear things you want to address. I want to give you feedback where it’s wanted, understand what’s ahead for you, and clear roadblocks for you if I can. Less tactically, I want to understand what you’re working on as a human and where you want to go. I will feel like our days together were worthwhile if I can help you grow.
As long as you don’t mind small children shrieking in the background, I am happy to chat any time of day. Driving clean energy forward is a purpose I care about deeply. If you want to work on it with me at 2AM, let’s dig in. Sometimes there’s nothing more unifying than doing hard work together.
But when it’s not urgent, don’t feel like you have to stay late. This isn’t a competition for who can grind the hardest. I expect you to stay healthy and take the time you need to stay energized.
What you can expect of me as your manager
A weekly 1:1 where we’ll work on your priorities, next steps, and roadblocks.
A monthly 1 hour 1:1, where we’ll talk about the big picture and how we can work more effectively together. Maybe grab a bite to eat, go for a walk, and talk about life outside work, too.
A weekly marketing team meeting where we’ll discuss each other’s projects in relation to one of our top goals for the quarter. This is the time to connect the dots on how we can help each other. It’s also a great time to socialize projects, check-in with OKRs, and brainstorm in a safe, creative space. I will also share wider context and my own areas of focus or challenge.
A monthly channel deep drive, where we’ll align on performance, address roadblocks, testing agenda and opportunities.
We are on the same team for a reason. Your challenges and priorities are connected to my goals. So send up a flare if you ever feel like you’re on an island.
Above all, I will champion your work. I will socialize the value you’re creating, and encourage you to lean into areas that drive the biggest results. I will give you permission to ignore low impact work, and defend you against hungry customers. I will get excited when you think outside the box. I will ask how quickly we can do it. Because I believe in your ability to do more than you think you can.
I will be present when we meet. I will do my best to slow down and to make sure I really understand and consider your ideas. When you’re not ready to brainstorm, I will give you time to collect your thoughts. I will read the crazy ideas you send me at 1AM.
I’ll take your feedback to heart, because only your feedback will help me train to be a better leader. I have lots to work on and I feel grateful to work with a lot of people who know a lot more than I do. I have some bias’ due to past experiences, but I want to understand your perspective and your experiences. We need to look through every lens to understand the big picture.
I thrive on positivity and am deeply impacted when I sense a lack of energy or belief. Above all, I believe that anything is possible if we’re willing to do the work.