The Call
Let’s go deep in the woods. To a place 15 years into her career. It’s been a journey that’s been beyond her wildest dreams. It’s also been more nuanced than she probably ever imagined. No real villains, and no heroes for that matter. Just people trying make their way, to follow a vision and take a sip from the fountain of life.
Sometimes along this road the more fallible people have been easier to control. Easier to understand what drives them. How to make herself useful. But she was born hungry for heights.
So she’s usually not the deepest person in the room. Her brass isn’t as shiny. She’s the passion, the rally cry.
So, it’s kind of like always. Big chip on her shoulder. Whatever you think about women with kids in Arlington, VA with smart husbands, type A personalities and orange cats, you’re wrong. She’s going to do more than you ever thought possible. To be followed, to be believed in. To build something that’s never been there before.
She still doesn’t have a photographic memory. What’s in this bag? A smile and a quick wit for figuring out the outline of what’s there.
And she’s conscious about pausing to be kind, to thank others for the gift of time. Not necessarily because she’s more spiritual than anyone else in the room, but because she comes off as brash. People are possibly predisposed to not like her.
To be honest, she never really minded standing alone. But to add momentum to a powerful moving force, that’s when she lives her truth. That’s when, in that moment, she finds her call.